Internet History, Technology, and Security - Grand Finale Lecture
Internet History, Technology, and Security - Grand Finale Lecture
This is the "Grand Finale" lecture for the Internet History, Technology, and Security Coursera Course ( In his lecture I go through survey data taken during the course, student performance throughout the course, maps of student locations around the world as well as where the students went to school. The lecture also reflects on what worked well and what could be improved, takes a peek toward the future including possible new courses, as well as a bit of fun and few little surprises. There were 4595 certificates of completion awarded in the course. Taped October 1, 2012 after the course was completed.
مسلسلات عربية
خواطر جميع الحلقات
جاءت تجربة الشقيري في التقديم التلفزيوني عبر برنامج "خواطر" والذي يعد استكمال لمشروع بدأه من خلال كتابة مجموعة من المقالات الأسبوعية في صحيفة المدينة
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Ramadan 2015 - تتمة